Thanks to all that have helped!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Good day and bad...

Had a great time at the aquarium today. Wish my son had been here to go with us, but he's at Dollywood with his mother, so I know he's having a great time too. Now on to the good and bad of the day. Good...I was able to walk the entire aquarium without any problems. My endurance is getting better and I'm starting to feel more comfortable on the leg. Matt, my prosthetist, has helped me identify one major obstacle. Learning to trust the leg to not fail me. I'm going to fall...that's a part of it. If you are an amp then gravity is against you. After all, walking is nothing more than falling gracefully. I messaged Sienna, my other prosthesist, it seems they've never seen this before in the Triton Harmony foot. At least I'm still doing new things and coming up with new problems. Let's see how Otto Bock decides to fix this issue. At least, this will help others. So, go to Kentucky Prosthetics tomorrow and have the foot repaired or replaced which ever they decide. My foot has a section at the top that creates a vacuum inside the socket that holds the entire prosthetic to my leg, without that section the knee becomes unstable (it rotates with each step), and there's no suction so nothing to hold the socket to my leg. This is a major issue, I'm so happy that I chose Kentucky Prosthetics because I don't know of any other office that would come in on a Sunday just for one patient.

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