Thanks to all that have helped!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Wow...big day. 10,000 views. I'm amazed and feel quite blessed to be sitting here. When I started writing this I never dreamed that anyone would want to read what I have to write. This is my therapy. It's just a much cheaper way to get things off my chest than paying a therapist to let me lie on their couch and say the same things. Now down to business.

Today is a great day. I got my son, and much to my surprise, he isn't scared at all. From the scared little boy on the other side of my phone, to the little boy who ran up and hugged me today there is a 180 degree turn. He asked to see the staples and touch my leg. He's excited for me to get my new robot leg. I am relieved to say the least. I expected crying and a sheepish little boy who wouldn't want anything to do with me. I'm glad that's not the boy we picked up today. The insights of children are amazing, I asked him if he was scared, he told me that he was afraid while driving up to meet me, but when he saw me I'm just the same daddy. A very relieved daddy. I'm looking forward to this fight. I feel like the contender to a championship belt that I know I can win. I know that this fight is going to be more of a war than a battle. I'm lucky to have many people in my corner and know that I can do this. I won't say that I'm not scared. To say that would be foolish. I know that I'm going to fall. I know that some days I'm going to fail. The issue with failing is what you do with it. You either take the failure and run away or you take the failure, learn from it, and come at things from a different angle. This is one of the greatest things practicing medicine has taught me. Not every method works for every patient. Some times you have to get innovative, and when in doubt...duct tape.

Also, I have to say this. Please remember the caretakers. Those that give up so much to take care of someone else. I am blessed to have Kate in my corner. She works so hard to right this entire ship while I'm under the deck trying to get better. Those of us in medicine are much better at being the caregiver than the patient, and Kate and the rest of my family is stuck with dealing with a paramedic who is fighting tooth and nail to get back on the street. Which means, not listening to what I'm supposed to be doing and pushing myself harder than I should. She's a great woman and I have a wonderful family to put up with this. Anyway, till tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Just wait till your son takes you in for show & tell like my 7 yr old daughter did 5 years ago when I got my first prosthesis...It was a blast, I was crawling around on the floor with the kids when they said, "Can you kneel? Can you sit like this?" It was excellent! Plus now they all look at me with respect as 12 yr olds...the Bionic Mom! You'll have fun with it.
