Thanks to all that have helped!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012


So, I got a very surprising call today. The medical director from Humana Insurance called me, I didn't answer the phone, since I was expecting the call to be my denial of services and had nothing nice to say to this man. After listening to the voicemail, that little voice inside my head told me to go ahead and call. I'm very happy that I did. Thanks to them reading this blog, multiple twitter comments on their twitter site, and the news coverage I have received, not to mention my job and the varied tasks that I must do...Humana completely reversed their position and have approved everything. Including my microprocessor Otto Bock Genium knee and everything that attaches to it. That's right...soon I am going to become the Prosthetic Medic....It's almost here. After months of toil and fighting my dream has been realized and it's up to me to make it come true now. All the questions have been answered except do I have it in me to make this a reality.

I happily called Kentucky Prosthetics only to be told that they had already received the call, they were excited and said this has been the easiest time they have had trying to get the microprocessor knees approved. Humana is the last company to not have a process to get this technology and I hope with the approval of my prosthetic they are opening their eyes to the needs and wants of the people they are supposed to represent and take care of. An insurance company should function no differently than any other healthcare institution. We are taught at the beginning of EMT training, nursing school, or even medical school...we are to do what is in the best interest of our patients and fight for what is right for them. To be a patient advocate. I know this is a pipe dream, but if you are reading this and are in need of certain medical care...fight. I have reached out for every avenue to make this a reality, and thanks to your support, we have achieved this portion of the goal. I promise to all my readers, my family, and my friends, I am going to fight tooth and nail to get this mountain climbed.

Tonight, I get to end this post on cloud 9. I am going to rest easy tonight knowing that in a few weeks, it is up to me to do whatever is necessary to get this done and get on with my life. I want to thank everyone for all your help, but this is just a victory in a major battle, the war continues...


  1. Again, I am soooo excited and elated for you!

  2. All I can say about this is HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!


  3. That's great brother! Look forward to seeing your butt ( and leg ) back on the street.

  4. Woohoo! Yesss. Way to go and similar happy thoughts. Bravo Joe!

  5. Joe, Congratulations!

    This is a great journey you are on and I appreciate you sharing it with us.


  6. This is fantastic news! Congratulations, Joe! And don't have any doubts from here on that you WILL be working as a paramedic again. Keep pushing, remembering to take care of yourself and your family. And you will get there!

    Renee Roberts

  7. Glad for the quick turnaround! You deserve a moment of ease in this.
